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LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia (LPMA) has proudly unveiled a unique piece of artwork that will stand tall as a commitment to reconciliation and another positive development in its Heritage Awareness Training.
The LPMA Environment, Regulatory and Stakeholder (ERS) team, last year approached the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation (BDAC) to commission a painting that represents LPMA’s SIMEC Mining (iron ore) presence in the Middleback Ranges near Whyalla in South Australia, and the Barngarla Dreaming Story, for inclusion in awareness training.
The result was a stunning painting by Barngarla woman Linda Dare that represents the Seven Sisters Dream Story. This painting and imagery, along with an on-country video, adds to the Heritage Awareness pack and the ever-developing Heritage Awareness Training modules for LPMA employees in Whyalla.
GFG Alliance Group Manager Environment, Regulatory and Stakeholder, Chris Smyth said the Heritage Awareness Training was first developed for the Bark, Sheoak and Adder Hills Project with the latest painting and video adding to the education process on the Barngarla country, its people, its Dreaming Story and connection to the Middleback Ranges.
“This training pack and heritage awareness training continues to develop as the business learns of new heritage sites but also develops a better understanding of what Barngarla Country and its cultural significance means to its people,” Chris said.
“It is a proud moment to now have a dedicated painting and image included in this package to give it more meaning, relevance and an even more special place in our shared journey towards reconciliation.”
LPMA employees undertake Heritage Awareness Training as part of their everyday working life and special projects. This includes the Being on Country video (also further below) which has BDAC’s support to share with everyone in the LPMA family.
MAIN IMAGE: The Seven Sister Dreaming artwork by Linda Dare. Above right: Land Access and Regulatory Specialist Raquel Pichardo with BDAC Chairman Jason Bilney with the artwork.
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