As the saying goes, you are what you eat and at busy or challenging times it can be difficult to always maintain a healthy and balanced approach to food. Juggling work and home responsibilities, particularly during the current COVID-19 situation, often means we are living and working to altered patterns and rhythms from our regular routines.
This also extends to our eating habits. The time we take to eat, the level of access we have to food as well as the types of food we are eating can be significantly different.
Given these changes, UNICEF has outlined five healthy eating tips to help people ensure a balanced approach to food and eating during the unfolding pandemic (remember, these tips are also great general guides no matter what the situation is).
Keep up fruit and vegetable intake: Wherever possible, it’s important to make sure you’re getting plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. Using fresh vegetables to cook large batches of soups, stews or other dishes will make them last longer and provide meal options for a few days. These can also be frozen where possible and then quickly reheated.
Use healthy options of dried, frozen or canned alternatives when fresh produce is not available: Canned beans and chickpeas can be stored and included in meals in many ways. Canned oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and salmon can be used cold in sandwiches, salads or pasta dishes, or cooked as part of a warm meal. Canned vegetables, such as tomatoes, are a great alternative option when fresh produce or frozen vegetables are not available. Dried goods like dried beans, pulses and grains such as lentils, split peas, rice, couscous or quinoa are also nutritious, long-lasting options that are tasty, affordable and filling. Rolled oats cooked with milk or water can serve as an excellent breakfast option, and can be spiced up with yoghurt, chopped fruits or raisins.
Build up a stock of healthy snacks: Opt for options like nuts, cheese, yoghurt (preferably unsweetened), chopped or dried fruits, boiled eggs, or other locally available healthy options.
Limit highly processed foods: Try to limit the amount of highly processed foods in your shopping basket. Ready-to-eat meals, packaged snacks and desserts are often high in saturated fat, sugars and salt. If you do purchase processed foods, look at the label and try to choose healthier options containing less of these substances. Try to also avoid sugary drinks and instead drink lots of water. Adding fruits or vegetables like lemon, lime, cucumber slices or berries to water is a great way to add an extra twist of flavor.
Make cooking and eating a fun and meaningful part of your family routine: Cooking and eating together is a great way to create healthy routines, strengthen family bonds and have fun. Wherever you can, involve your children in food preparation – small children can help with washing or sorting food items while older children can take on more complex tasks and help to set the table.
As part of the Gupta Family sponsorship of the Port Adelaide Football Club in South Australia, we had a the opportunity to talk with the club’s expert dietitian Emily Hartley to hear about the tips she shares with professional AFL players and how they can relate to you.
Check out the video below to hear her thoughts:
Got a healthy recipe you’ve been using lately? Share it with your GFG workmates around the globe by posting it in the comments section below.
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You can download the video featuring Emily’s tips on healthy eating here.
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