Whyalla featured on hit documentary series Australian Story
In September 2018, the ABC’s hit documentary series Australian Story tracked ...
LIBERTY Georgetown USA celebrated their first “Customer & Employee Appreciation Day” after many years. Guests included Georgetown Mayor Carol Jayroe, LIBERTY employees and spouses, city and state federal politicians, key rod and mesh customers and community members attended.
The main purpose of the event was to highlight the importance of Georgetown in the community as a significant employer as LIBERTY enters into a partnership with a local community college for job training. LIBERTY’s close ties to its customers in the state of South Carolina and the region, with LIBERTY having the ability to provide “made in USA” rod to customers in the region, reducing the need for imported rod.
And finally, LIBERTY’s commitment and investment into Georgetown with commissioning of new mesh equipment as a part of its business strategy. In addition to the steel rods the mill already produces, the new machinery will allow the mill to make other steel products, including steel mesh that can reinforce concrete.
Video by Evan Furniss
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