Spotlight on Continuous Improvement | Romania

Spotlight on Continuous Improvement | Romania

Continuous improvement is core to what we do at GFG. This month we’re taking a look around the world to see what the local teams have be doing to continuously improve their business.

HR and IT team up to create new people management tool

LIBERTY Galati is not only the largest part of the GFG Alliance, it also boasts considerable stats in Romania. Contributing to 80% of the county’s exports, and more than 7,000 people work for the business.

And that means you need a great Human Resources team to support the business!

The Galati HR team have contributed to their business’ continuous improvement mindset by developing an online HR tool.

In 2019, following the change of ownership, the Galati team no longer had access to their previous online HRIS (human resources information system). HRIS tools help leaders manage their team, monitor objectives, and track performance.  Without a tool, leaders had to revert to more manual systems – using spreadsheets to track performance and uploading reports to the intranet. As a result, people leaders were inundated with paperwork, they found the intranet both time consuming and difficult to use, and generally, they just had a hard time without it!

The Galati HR team, in partnership with the Automation team, created an in-house tool – so essentially, they build a customised HRIS just for their people! Developing the solution in-house meant that the team could tailor the features for their business, keep all data within the company, and save on licensing and deployment costs.

Feedback from Galati people leaders has been incredibly positive, with one sharing this feedback:

“The tool is much better than the previous one and incomparable to the Excel forms. Very friendly graphic, it offers a great overview on the progress made. It is much more useful.”

Great to see innovation and improvements coming from all pockets of the business, including support functions like HR and Automation! Nice work!

Going digital with an app for customers 

Over the last few years, we’ve seen the enormous benefits effective digital transformation can bring to businesses of all types. The LIBERTY Galati team decided that digitalisation was essential for the effective functioning of their business over the long term.

One of the areas they identified as being ripe for digitalisation was making their customer relationship management more effective. So, the Galati sales team developed, in collaboration with an external agency, a mobile app designed exclusively for them and their customers.

The clear and intuitive app (see landing page) is designed to serve as an information hub for both existing customers and for potential new ones.

The app is efficiently structured to give a great customer experience, allowing them to easily choose the right products for them via online catalogues, access to offers, easy invoicing set up and order confirmation. Customers can also provide quick and easy feedback via the app.

The app, which is available on Android and IOS operating systems, also provides fast links to the LIBERTY Galati website and social media channels, helping to promote the wider company too.

So do go and download the app and have a look at it. If you need details of how you can build one for your business just contact

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