Yoga and Mindfulness in Dubai

Yoga and Mindfulness in Dubai

Continuing its series of activities for mental health awareness month, GFG Dubai hosted a Yoga session for staff with the goal to highlight issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression that can affect us in our daily life, including our work productivity.

Yoga is a five-thousand-year-old practice developed and nurtured in the Indian subcontinent. Since the start of the 20th century, yogic science has grown in popularity and is practised all around the world. Yoga is a practice that combines physical movements, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques to promote overall well-being, including mental health. It can be an effective tool for mental health management. Mental Health Awareness Month aims to promote awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and the practice of yoga can be an important part of this effort. By incorporating yoga into a daily routine, individuals can improve their mental and physical health and support their overall well-being.

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